Drew Cooper Discusses “Please Come Home for Christmas”

Drew Cooper recently re-recorded “Please Come Home for Christmas” with Cody Canada and Cody’s son, Dierks. Find out how he chose the song, his favorite Christmas traditions, and what we can expect from his new music below!

1) What inspired you to re-record “Please Come Home for Christmas”?

“Well, we had been kicking around the idea of recording a Christmas song for a while. The trouble was finding one that fit.  I had a couple members of my team, Brandy Reed and Keith Comeforo, suggest ‘Please Come Home For Christmas” and it stuck with me. The Eagles obviously killed their rendition and the original by Charles Brown is amazing so we tried to find a space between those two to make it my own.”

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2) What does it mean to you to have your good friend Cody Canada and his son Dierks playing on the track?

“Friend? More than that.  More like hero. I started writing and playing music the way I do because of the sounds that Cody created. I am absolutely floored by the opportunity to play with him and Dierks.  I love seeing the foundation Dierks built his sound on, and then seeing him come into his own is really amazing. People say don’t meet your heroes because they will let you down. Well, Cody is an exception to that rule. He is everything you can hope for in a friend and more.”

3) Tell us about your favorite Christmas tradition.

“My favorite Christmas tradition has always been Christmas lights!  As a kid in the Midwest I loved seeing them in the snow, and how it would make any home more welcoming. Now as an adult I love seeing that in the eyes of my own children. Really you can’t beat coming home to a house full of lights!”

4) What’s your favorite gift you’ve ever received (or given)?

“Oh Wow! This is a hard one to answer!  My wife got me a custom build guitar a couple years ago that was amazing, but my favorite has to be the hand made gifts from my kids. Can’t really beat that. 

Also, I love getting socks and boxers. Always good to bring in the new year with fresh undergarments. Best gift I gave, shoot, I don’t know. I think my mom likes my Christmas ornaments I made her so I’m going to go with that.”

5) What can fans expect from your upcoming album in 2022?

“I think they can expect to hear writing with more substance to it. I hope they can listen to all the releases that are out and can able to recognize the connection and growth. This album is flush with tone. It’s full but not polished. I had written an album during the Covid lock down that expressed the feeling of sadness and fear that I felt having my career put on pause.

As we prepared to go into the studio to record, I realized I didn’t want to live in that space for another year by singing songs about it. So I started writing something different, more upbeat and thankful. I didn’t pull all of the songs out, but supplemented and removed some from the track list. I added a couple covers to pay homage to the foundation of music I was built on.

It’s going to be a year of music for us. So much coming down the line. I can’t wait to share these stories with y’all!”

Connect with Drew Cooper

For more information on Drew Cooper, visit his website at https://www.drewcoopermusic.com/

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