Derek Jones: From the U.S. Navy to Country Music

Derek Jones did not grow up with country music like many other artists. Rather, he decided to join the United States Navy after high school and left for bootcamp in 1999. He was stationed in San Diego, California for four years. In addition, he was stationed in Iraq. 

Derek states that the Navy, “…was an incredible experience. I love to travel, and I come from an extremely small town. It is kind of like one of those towns that if you don’t get out, you’re stuck there forever. So I thought I should get out and explore the world.”

And after serving for many years, Derek decided to leave the Navy and come back home. Once home, he enrolled in college to pursue a degree. However, he soon found out that he wanted to pursue something else, a career in country music. 

Derek explains, “I started picking up bar gigs to make a living, and I thought to myself ‘Wow, this is really what I want to do with my life’. So, I went down to Nashville, Tennessee in 2010 and I got to work. And that is where I am now.”

Styling Music After His Influences

Derek Jones notes that he has had myriad musical influences since departing from the Navy.

He states, “By far my biggest influence is the Allman Brothers Band from the 70s. I love their sound, I love their writing, I love everything about them.” However, “My musical style comes from classic rock bands like Lynyrd Skynyrd and Nirvana. For my songwriting style, I love the stories guys like Johnny Cash and Jason Isbell tell.”

As noted, a lot of Derek’s style can be credited to a mix of his musical influences. Though, Derek doesn’t ever want anyone who listens to his music to relate him to another artist.

“I want people to be like, ‘Oh, this is Derek Jones. I can recognize this,’” he states.

Working With Billy Ray Cyrus

Another one of Derek’s favorite artists is the one and only Billy Ray Cyrus.

Derek had the opportunity to open for country music legend Billy Ray Cyrus for four straight years. After hearing that Billy wanted Derek to open for him, his excitement only grew. Billy also requested to have Derek’s band on tour with them. 

Derek went on to say that “It was absolutely incredible and a blessing to perform at enormous venues like Bridgestone Arena and the Grand Ole Opry with sold out crowds of up to 30,000 people.”

After four years of touring, Derek Jones decided that it was time to begin a solo career in Nashville, Tennessee.

Derek Jones’s ‘Last of a Dying Breed’

Last of a Dying Breed’ is the latest single released from Derek’s upcoming EP Last of a Dying Breed. The single absolutely resembles the classic and hard rock style in his voice. Thanks to Derek’s girlfriend Megan, the song’s title and meaning came about due to the artist’s chivalry and respect for her. And for that reason, Derek claims that ‘Last of a Dying Breed’ has quickly become one of his favorite songs. The artist plans for his upcoming EP Last of a Dying Breed to be a little on the rock side of music.

However, “You will still be able to tell that it is country music because of the banjo and guitar implemented into the project,” he explains. Derek also states that “There will elements from all of my favorite influences throughout the album.”

Connect with Derek Jones

For more information on Derek Jones visit his website at

Album art for Derek Jones.

This article was originally published on March 11, 2021.

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