Mae Estes Releases Debut EP ‘Before the Record’ and Sets Her Sights on the Grand Ole Opry

Mae Estes just released her debut EP “Before the Record,” sharing her unique perspective on life and love. Working with Paul Sikes for production, Estes has created a collection of songs that are authentic and heartfelt. Sikes is also a co-writer on several tracks, adding his expertise to Estes’ own talent for songwriting. The resulting EP is a testament to Estes’ passion for music and her ability to tell stories that resonate with listeners.

Estes’ approach to music is deeply personal, and she hopes that listeners will connect with her as an artist, rather than just with individual songs. As she explains, “I grew up listening to CDs front to back religiously. I bought into artists as a listener, rarely just single songs. I think I’m one of those artists whose perspective in general you buy into, or at least I hope to one day grow into that kind of artist.”

For Estes, music is a way to connect with others, to share stories and experiences, and to explore the world in a unique way. As she puts it, “I think I see the world differently, and yet exactly the same as everyone around me, and feel I’ve been God-given the coolest ability to connect with strangers through stories. No human has ever understood me the way music does, and I hope that’s evident in every one of these six songs.”

“Before the Record” covers a range of topics, from cheating and drinking to smoking and love. With a classic country sound and a modern twist, the EP showcases Estes’ talent and sets the stage for what promises to be an exciting career.

We spoke with Estes to get additional insights into her recent work.

What was it like working with producer Paul Sikes?

Paul is a long-time friend and co-writer. He’s somehow simultaneously the nicest guy in the world and an evil genius when it comes to production. I lean very traditional when it’s just me and a guitar and Paul has done an incredible job of taking my sound to the next level with a fresh take on modern production, pairing with both of our favorite traditional elements. We have an absolute blast in the studio and I’m so grateful to get to work with such a talent.

What can you tell me about the brand new track “Town Left Me”?

Family, friends, and fans have been waiting on this one for a long time and I’ve been waiting even longer to get it released. This one was inspired by a very honest conversation I had with my co-writers, Autumn McEntire and Paul Sikes. It’s a very specific homesick story about my hometown for me personally, but I’ve learned by playing it out at shows that most people can put their own stories into no matter how far from home they’ve roamed. I’m really proud of this one and feel really lucky to have been in the room when it came to life.

Why do you think “Run” has resonated with so many people?

I guess we all have lots of anti-commitment issues! Haha. I think the vibe of the song is a unique sound and definitely different than the other songs I’ve released lately. It’s just a chill, vibey, moody tune and I think that alone has grabbed some people. I also think it’s more common than I realized to self-sabotage and run in the opposite direction of things that could be good for you because you’re scared you’re gonna mess it up in some way.

“Your Hands” is the one song on the EP that you didn’t co-write. What did you like most about it for you to select it?

I hosted a writing retreat with some hand-picked co-writers right before we began recording the EP to make sure we had the best of the best and “Your Hands” was one of two songs written on that retreat that made the EP. My long time friends who know me very well, Marti Dodson and Autumn McEntire, paired with a new friend and incredible talent, Matthew Morrisey, and they wrote my actual love story without me. I don’t process the love song emotions as well as I do the hurtful emotions and they know that and somehow took a page out of my mental diary and nailed everything I wish I could say about my relationship. It was so strange to hear for the first time, but then I listened on repeat the whole plane ride home and cried hysterically because it was so special to me. Such a gift and I’m so grateful they trusted me with recording it!

Mae Estes "Before the Record"

“Before the Record” Track Listing

  1. “I Quit Smokin’” (Brett Tyler, Mae Estes, Paul Sikes)
  2. “Run” (Mae Estes, Marti Dodson, Paul Sikes)
  3. “Your Hands” (Autumn McEntire, Marti Dodson, Matthew Morrisey)
  4. “Thinkin’ ‘Bout Cheatin’” (Alex Kline, Autumn McEntire, Mae Estes)
  5. “Town Left Me” (Autumn McEntire, Mae Estes, Paul Sikes)
  6. “Die In A Bar” (Greg Bates, Mae Estes, Mia Mantia, SJ McDonald)

Is there anything else exciting coming up for you in 2023 that you’d like to share?

I’ve got such an exciting year planned! This EP release is just the beginning as we’ve got lots of live shows coming, even some international touring, and a “Three Part One Take” video series, re-imagining the fully produced EP in a raw, flawed, organic setting, which is my favorite way to perform and experience music for that matter.

Estes’ journey as a country artist is just beginning, but she’s already making a mark in the industry. On March 4, she’ll make her Grand Ole Opry debut, an opportunity that she describes as “a dream come true.” As she notes, “Before the Record marks a very specific time in my journey, and I’m so damn proud of it, but we’re definitely just getting started.”

For fans of country music and newcomers to the genre, “Before the Record” is a must-listen. Mae Estes is a rising star in the country world, and her debut EP is a testament to her talent, her passion for music, and her ability to connect with listeners on a deeply personal level.

Listen to “Before the Record” Now

Connect with Mae Estes

To learn more about Mae Estes, visit, and follow Mae Estes on FacebookInstagramTikTok, and YouTube.

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