Risa Binder on her CMA Fest Show and New Music

Risa Binder sat with her guitarist right beside her on stage on the rooftop of Ole Red in downtown Nashville. She played there Sunday of CMA Fest and if you were fortunate enough to get into Ole Red, which was also the Spotify House on the main floor, you were able to see tons of musicians up close and personal for free. This is Risa’s 5th year playing at CMA Fest and this year she experienced something that really moved her and “made her month,” she stated. 

After Binder’s set ended, a woman came up to her and talked to her about how much she touched her heart. Binder’s lyric “light as a feather” in her song “Paper Hearts” spoke to this woman and reminded her of her son who passed away recently. Their signs together were feathers so the lyrics really resonated with her and she felt her son in the room with her. When talking to Binder about this experience she said, “It’s very emotional but that’s what music is supposed to do, it’s supposed to be healing.” You never know when someone is going to resonate with a song so much. 

She wants to remind aspiring musicians and songwriters that there’s only one you and, “your story is unique and worthy to tell.” Advice that Binder follows herself, because no one is going to be like you and you are in your own lane. “There’s no way you can possibly compare yourself to anyone else because there’s only one beautiful you,” says Binder, these words that should stick with musicians and songwriters everywhere. 

Risa is planning on releasing new singles targeted at the end summer or start of fall which, we are all excited for. She also has upcoming shows in Nashville and New York, as a self proclaimed “urban adventurer,” she loves touring and finding the mom and pop shops around the cities she’s in. You can find out more about her shows and expected singles on her website here http://www.risabinder.com.

Photo Credit: http://www.risabinder.com/#photos

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