Shari Rowe’s Latest Single Reminds Us to Embrace Everyday Moments

Today, Shari Rowe released her latest single “Long Hugs” and we sat down to talk to her about the story behind the song. Rowe worked with Grammy-nominated songwriter Blue Foley, who penned some of Ashley McBryde’s hits and Mark Addison Chandler, who cowrote several of Rowe’s previous songs.

Long Hugs Cover Art

“It was so much fun to write it,” she recalled, and continued to express her excitement at what a great writing relationship she developed with Foley and Chandler. The trio came up with the song’s concept after a discussion about life’s moments. “I’m just such a big proponent of being fully present in the moment,” Rowe explained. “That’s just woven into my daily life.”

“I think holding onto those we love and the hug itself, it’s so healing, and it’s such a precious moment.” The song is also about taking the long way and not being rushed. “We’ve become so conditioned to rushing from one place to the next and you miss a lot in the moment,” she said. 

Rowe said that she applies this concept to all parts of her life, even during a stressful day of running errands. She described her goal of taking notice of the people around her, like at the grocery store and thinking about each person’s story.

Shari Rowe’s Inspiration

Rowe cites her mom as her biggest inspiration. She’s a strong survivor, an overcomer, and always taught her to follow her dreams. On Rowe’s first trip to Nashville, her mother gave her a card and wrote about how proud she was. “She’s that constant,” Rowe began, “When so many things have been in question in my life, or been a challenge, she continues to inspire me.”

New Meaning After Pandemic Hit

Although they wrote “Long Hugs” pre-pandemic, the current state of the world added a new layer of meaning to the song, as some people aren’t able to be close to their loved ones.

Rowe tried to make the best of 2020, since it was nearly impossible to play shows. Her husband and she began gardening and practically lived in the backyard. She also joined TikTok and is considering sharing some of her recipes. Rowe and her husband really love to cook and she talked about really taking time to taste the meal, rather than rush through the dish. As a fan of both Polish and Mediterranean food, she’d have a variety of recipes to share with her fans. 

2021 and Beyond

In 2021, Rowe is looking forward to getting more shows back on the calendar. She’ll be performing at a socially-distanced drive-in show April 16 and hopes to get back on the road in the coming months.

For more information on Shari Rowe, visit

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