Discover Southerland’s Dynamic Sound with New EP Release

The newest EP from country duo Southerland is set to attract a lot of new fans and serve as a perfect introduction to their music. The duo offers a diverse range of songs in this EP that will appeal to a wide range of listeners. From “Underpaid and Overworked,” a high-energy track that resonates with blue-collar workers, to “3 Minutes,” a touching love story, the EP will cover everything in between.

Their ultimate goal is to ensure that listeners, especially those who are new to their music, get a good idea of who Southerland is as a band. As up-and-comers, they are constantly meeting new people who may not have heard their music before, and it’s exciting for them to see their music work on people in real-time.

“Down the Road,” is a perfect example of Southerland’s ability to cover all their bases. The track has a driving beat that will get audiences moving and serves as a great introduction to the EP as a whole. Overall, the upcoming EP promises to be an exciting and diverse offering from Southerland that will appeal to a wide range of listeners.

“World Without You”

Southerland shared that the concept for “World Without You” developed out of Matt’s wish to write a love song and tell his fiancee how much she meant to him. During a writing session with talented songwriters Jessi Alexander and Greg Bates, the song just flowed out naturally. While the song was initially based on a personal love story, they realized that it was a relatable story for many people.

The duo wanted to create a song that people could connect with on a deep level, and they were grateful for the positive response they received from fans. The goal for Southerland is always to create music that people can see themselves in, and they strive for that perfect balance between personal and universal themes in their songs.

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Southerland’s Musical Journey 

When Southerland first met in Nashville, their initial goal was to make rent money, get beer money, and get their music going. They started playing cover songs on Broadway, with Chris knowing a lot of songs and the two buddies just playing shows together. As they kept playing, they noticed that people kept coming back and were drawn to what they were doing.

It wasn’t until after an out-of-state gig that they had a conversation and realized they were stronger together than apart. Their strengths complemented each other, and they decided to jump in together.

Their partnership was organic and authentic, with the intention of making music that felt true to them. Southerland’s strengths and weaknesses balanced each other out, and it all came together naturally.

Connect with Southerland

As Southerland’s musical journey continues, the duo’s popularity in the country music scene only seems to be growing. With their new EP, they aim to showcase the range of their musical talent and introduce themselves to new listeners. Their music, rooted in authentic experiences and emotions, has struck a chord with fans and they hope to continue to connect with listeners through their songs. 

For more information on Southerland, visit

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