Video Premiere: Creed Fisher – “People Like Me”

We’re excited to premiere Creed Fisher’s latest video for “People Like Me.” Fisher continues to impress with his honest, down to earth lyrics and attitude. Watch the video and be sure to check out the interview below to learn more about the song and making of the video.

“People Like Me” Video

#1. Tell us about the moment you decided to pursue music full time.

I can’t really say there was one moment when I decided to do music full-time. I started playing when I got divorced in 2010 while also working full-time as a Journeyman Electrician in Odessa, Texas. When I started making enough money on my music royalties to quit working in 2017, I moved to New Braunfels, Texas, and have been doing it full-time ever since.

#2. What’s your songwriting process, and how do you ensure you’re telling a story that will captivate the listener?

I don’t necessarily try to captivate my listeners. I write about real life and things I’ve been through. When you sing about real life– the good, the bad, and the ugly– your listeners will always relate. I write songs that I like, which always translates to my fans because, after all, they’re People Like Me

#3. How does it feel to be able to express things through music that people may not be able to say?

It’s better than fist fighting and digging ditches. It’s always nice to hear from fans how much your music has touched their hearts and souls. To be able to give them a voice is one of my greatest honors

#4. What’s the story behind “People Like Me?”

I didn’t write the song, but to me, it’s always been about the fans. The song is about the forgotten men and women of America who bust their asses every day to make this country what it is. You won’t see them on the news getting interviewed, but you will find them at a Creed Fisher show. This song is for People Like Creed.

#5. Can you talk about the making of the video? Were there any standout moments?

The video was done at Billy’s Ice House in New Braunfels, right down the street from my house. It’s actually where I drink beer and hang out when I’m home. The crowd was full of friends and hard-core fans. It was just a very special moment for me to share with so many people I care about.

#6. Is there anything else you want people to know about you?

100 Million plays, and I still ain’t kissing no ass. I did it my own way, and now there ain’t no stopping The Rebel In The South

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